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Recap—2012 Year-End Review

January 19, 2013 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified January 19, 2013

Once again it’s time to look back at a year that’s just ended, highlight a few of the articles here at The Editor’s Blog.

I’ll let you know which articles have proved most popular and which I recommend you check out. I may even point out a few of my favorite topics.

Before I present my lists, I want to offer my thanks for your visits and tweets and recommendations. I enjoy getting the information into the hands of writers, and you’ve helped each time you passed on a link to an article you found useful. I appreciate all of you; thanks for reading.

Most Popular

The three most popular articles this past year, the most read, are the same that were popular in 2011, just in a different order. These three are by far the most referenced articles at the blog.

Format Your Novel for Submission

Punctuation in Dialogue

Duties of an Editor

Rounding out the top ten—

Inner Dialogue—Writing Character Thoughts

Narrative Tense—Right Now or Way Back Then

Sex in Fiction—Do They or Don’t They

Single Quotation Marks

Creating Emotion in the Reader

Bad Dialogue

Finding Commas in all the Wrong Places

What I note about these is that they all deal with practical ways of addressing writing issues and story problems. While the articles that typically get the most comments are those more concerned with the writer than the writing—articles on encouragement and dealing with critics and the like—articles on craft are referenced again and again.


While I naturally think that all the articles at The Editor’s Blog are useful, let me point you to a few written in 2012 that you might find particularly helpful.

Concerning technical issues—

Defining Genre (a two-part series)

Everybody Does It—Common Writing Mistakes

Restrictive or Not—When do Clauses Need Commas

The Eyes Don’t Always Have It

Point of View (a three-part series)

Cut the Dread from the Dreaded Synopsis

Setting Up a Series

Concerning the not-so-technical stuff—

Sampling, Borrowing, Homage, and Plagiarism

The Curse of First-Person Narration

Coincidence Destroys the Suspension of Disbelief

Characters Need Goals

Real Writers Write Every Day (it’s not what you think)

My Favorites

A few of my favorites from 2012 that haven’t yet been mentioned—

Fish Out of Water, Character Out of Time

Stand-out Stories

Claustrophobia—Don’t Imprison Readers in a Character’s Head

Step Outside Your Story World

Dual Duties of Chapter Endings

Jack of All Trades—That’d be an Editor


Whatever brings you to The Editor’s Blog, I hope you find what you need to strengthen your skills and/or encourage yourself to keep writing.

You’ll find links to the full archives in the left sidebar, and category and tag links in the right sidebar. Enjoy your reading. And welcome to 2013. I hope the year is a successful one for you, your writing career, and your goals.




Tags:     Posted in: Recommendations

6 Responses to “Recap—2012 Year-End Review”

  1. Bill says:

    An excellent blog! You’re doing a great job. I only discovered it part way through the year, but have come to value it highly. It is one of the few that I invariably look forward to and save. I can appreciate the obvious thought, time, and effort that goes into it. Thanks.

  2. Thanks, Bill. I’m glad you’ve found the articles useful. And thanks for letting me know.

  3. Tatiana says:

    After a long running conversation and soul searching, I decided to seriously looking into editing as a career choice. I found your blog very inspiring, helpful and above all straightforward.
    I just finished university and have had a bit of a hard time finding my way, so it’s amazing to see this.

    Thank you so much for your articles!

  4. Tatiana, good luck and welcome to the profession. It’s a fascinating and enjoyable one.

    I’m so glad the articles encourage you. I have no doubt you’ll soon be posting encouragement and advice of your own.

  5. I’ll be bookmarking this as well!! Thanks!

  6. You’re welcome, Jennifer.

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