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Expletives—there is, there were, it is, it was, and so forth—can make sentences dull. And sometimes they’re just used too often in our writing. Learn how expletives can work either for or against story.
Why write? Why sit at a desk and connect words into scenes and stories? One reason is to entertain readers. But writers don’t only entertain readers. Great writers and good stories can change a reader’s life.
If readers aren’t engaged by your story, maybe you’re holding them at a distance, using filtering phrases that keep them a step away from the action and emotion of a scene. Check out these common filtering phrases that keep readers at a distance.
Because they’re so simple, so common, we overlook some words when we write. Instead, an examination of such words could easily ramp up our writing. The word “it” is one such word. Understand the reasons for reducing the overuse of “it.”