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It’s time for a bit of encouragement. After a summer filled with activities that eat into your writing time, it’s time to get back into the rhythm and flow of creating, of linking events and characters and details into stories that readers clamor for.
A reminder that you can’t fake the skills needed for writing convincing fiction. Learn the craft. Learn both the mechanics of writing and the elements of fiction.
A query letter is short and powerful—it’s often a writer’s first contact with an agent or editor. Here are the basics for query letters and a few do’s and don’ts.
Take your imagination in new directions—take the reins off—as you try to solve story issues. Purposely imagine beyond boundaries that you might not even know you’ve set around your imagination.
The amount of information available to writers—the recommendations and tips and rules—can be overwhelming. Here’s encouragement, a few words to let you know you don’t have to learn it all at once, and an assurance that you will catch on.