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Coming Soon—Membership

October 28, 2014 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified October 30, 2014

I wanted to give everyone a heads-up about new features coming soon (one very soon) to The Editor’s Blog.

Beginning this week if I can finish the setup, The Editor’s Blog will include a members-only section. Nothing will change here in the public areas of the blog—you’ll still find new articles on craft, on the mechanics of writing, and on encouragement for those days when you need a push. But I’m expanding the site to include a member forum, do-it-yourself (DIY) lessons, Fiction Talk—a once-monthly real-time discussion on craft issues and problem areas—and even some mini-classes (perhaps quarterly or monthly, depending on interest and scheduling realities). There will be a yearly membership fee for this service.

There will also be an ever-growing resource section, with useful links and information for both writers and editors.


After the member area gets going, next to come will be books. I’ve been asked more than once to put together collections of related articles from the blog in book form—I plan to offer collections (PDFs) on both writing and editing topics. You’ll be able to purchase the collections, and a select few will be included as free downloads to paid members.

I’ve got a couple other offerings on tap, but those won’t be started until after the new year.

I hope you’ll continue to find what you need for both writing and editing here at The Editor’s Blog.


Professional Editors and Proofreaders
I’m also considering adding a separate forum for editors and proofreaders, a place where we can discuss not only craft, but other issues—how to approach an edit, the different services an editor could/should provide, techniques for explaining story and technical issues clearly to clients, and even techniques to improve our own skills.

Editors, feel free to leave comments about this issue, but I’ll be providing a link soon so you can share your comments and questions with me directly. Because membership to a Pro forum would need a filter, expect to be asked to offer confirmation that you’re a professional (or near professional) editor or proofreader in order to join such a forum.


I’m excited. This new service and the resources to be found there should help us all improve our skills.

Let me know if you have comments or questions.



Several of you have asked about pricing. I’ll include my intended prices as of October 29,2014. These prices may change before registration begins, but I’m pretty firm about the numbers.


Founding Members—$35 for the first year and $50 renewal every year thereafter (until membership lapses or until the site closes, whichever comes first). The Founding Member level is a special offer that will be available for a limited time only—the first seven (7) days that membership is available.

Legacy Members—$50 for the first year, $60 every year thereafter. Legacy Membership will also be available for a limited time—from the day the Founding Members introductory offer is over until December 31, 2014.

General Membership—Beginning January 1, 2015, general membership will be $60 per year. This general membership price is subject to change. (As the membership site accrues resources, it’s likely the yearly membership fee will reflect the growth in content and value.)

No matter what the membership fee becomes after January 1, 2015, Founding Members will never pay more than $50 per year and Legacy Members will never pay more than $60 per year as long as they don’t let their memberships lapse. If Founding or Legacy members cancel membership or let it lapse and then want to renew, membership will renew at the then-current price (at least $60).


PDF Collections—Collections of related articles will be released as PDF books in the near future. Collections will have different prices, depending on the content, but I’m aiming for most to be between $3.99 and $6.99.



Tags:     Posted in: A Writer's Life, For Editors

27 Responses to “Coming Soon—Membership”

  1. Truly exciting news — I’m thrilled. You have such a knack for clarity, and as you know, as an editor, sometimes you can overthink. You bring the common sense back, and any further opportunities to see your thinking is an opportunity not to be missed.
    Thank you

  2. This will be a welcome development for lovers of this site. We only hope that the rates will not be prohibitive to those of us from the African continent. We look forward to being part and parcel of this bold experiment.

  3. Peter Pollak says:

    The members only area sounds like something any smart writer working on her/his craft would want to be a part of. Congrats for coming up with the concept.

  4. Great ideas! I love a members forum idea as well as one for editors. Though I don’t edit long fiction, I hang on to any tidbit of editing help I get from reading your comments; the information crosses other writing boundaries for me. Please give a heads-up about rates as soon as you can. Love what you do!

  5. Hi – Membership sounds like a good idea, and a good opportunity for those interested in your blog – I certainly am one. Question: Would membership entail a fee? Doesn’t matter too much, this is just me planning ahead. Thanks, Anita

  6. Amanda Stone says:

    I love the idea of an editor’s forum! I’m part of an editor’s group on Facebook, and it has been a wonderful resource.

    • Amanda, I’ve been wanting a dedicated editor’s forum for a long time, but hadn’t found one. I’d hoped Google Plus would have something, but I didn’t see what I was looking for there, though I love Google Plus. And though I signed up for business membership at Facebook, I never joined as an individual; I don’t agree with some of their practices. And why not have a forum on my own site? I’m already here with other editors.

  7. Daphne says:

    I love everything you’ve proposed and look forward plan to take advantage of all these terrific opportunities once they’re avaliable.

    Thank you, Beth!

  8. Daphne says:

    *groans* I should never comment from my phone. There’s almost always an error.

  9. Can you give us an idea how much the membership will cost annually?

  10. Haydee says:

    I find your articles very informative and enjoy your blog very much. However, I live overseas, whatever amount you quote for the membership would cost me a lot more, so as much as I’d like to join, I don’t think I can. All the best.

  11. I’ll post the projected fees soon—I’m having trouble setting up the site to do what I want it to do, and I don’t want to promise an option if I can’t make it happen.

    Thanks for all the good wishes. I trust that you’ll all enjoy the new features.

  12. How exciting, Beth! I refer my writers to your blog often, and this will give me a way to brainstorm with other editors as well. Excellent idea!

  13. Julie says:

    These ideas sound fantastic -not only or writers but for editors as well.
    I like the idea of a forum and PDF access to, by the sounds of it, all kinds of things.
    I look forward to the launch of your new format.

  14. I added a note on estimated fees for membership into the article. Let me know if you have questions.

    I wanted those who visit The Editor’s Blog often, those who’ve been here a long time, to get a special price as a thank-you from me, thus the Founding Member price. But then I realized that those who join the member site at the beginning will also have to put up with any quirks that come up in the new pages. My apologies ahead of time for those quirks.

  15. firstediting says:

    Thanks for sharing this article. Your article is very more informative.

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