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Recap of Past Articles—2011 Year-End Review

January 4, 2012 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified January 4, 2012

The end of one year and the beginning of a new year are perfect times for looking back—to evaluate, to celebrate, to acknowledge—and for looking forward—to anticipate, to plan, to dream.

I thought I’d use this time of reflection to point out some of the articles at The Editor’s Blog. Articles you might have missed. Articles you might want to share with others. Articles that meant something special for me.

Most Popular
The most popular articles at The Editor’s Blog are—

Duties of an Editor

Punctuation in Dialogue

Format Your Novel for Submission

More visitors to the blog come specifically for these articles than any others.  Other articles may be more popular for a day or two, especially if they’re linked at Facebook or Twitter or on another blog (and thanks for all the links!), but these three articles are read day in and day out without fail.

Two other articles that get a lot of reads are—

Creating Emotion in the Reader

Sex in Fiction—Do They or Don’t They

Chances are that if you’re a regular visitor to the blog, you’ve already read these five. If not, you might want to visit them.

Articles I consider must-reads
While I write all my articles as a means of helping or encouraging either writers or editors, I do have a few I consider must-reads for either or both writers and editors. These include—

Checklist for Editors

Clear and Simple Writing Advice

Conflict—Beyond Arguments and Fist Fights

Edit in an Instant? Ain’t Gonna Happen

Beyond the Basics—Push the Story and Push Yourself

Engage Readers Through Character Reaction

How to Write a Novel

I could go on and on, but you can find the articles you need by searching the blog. These, however, are some you might want to visit or revisit.

My Favorites
Yes, I have favorite articles. The list is not always the same from day to day, but here are a few I think you’d enjoy—

Setting—The Time and Place of Story

The Princess Bride—Storytelling Done Right

Write with Fire

Don’t Let Your Writing be Ordinary

Take Me Somewhere New—Tell Me a Story

Novelist as Director


I hope you enjoy each visit to The Editor’s Blog. I sometimes offer craft suggestions, sometimes offer encouragement. I hope both types of articles help you with your writing and/or editing career.

To search a list of all the articles, visit the Archives where articles are listed in alphabetical order.


I sincerely hope you made strides toward your writing goals last year and are encouraged to meet more of them in 2012.

I wish you good writing and great editing.

Write well. Write often. And edit wisely.



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