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Win a 30-page Edit—Article #100 at The Editor’s Blog

July 1, 2011 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified July 4, 2011

***Winning Entry—Warrior Wench by Marie Andreas***

Congratulations, Marie!

And thanks to all for entering.


This is it, your opportunity to win a free 30-page edit of your unpublished fiction manuscript.

Ever wanted to see what an editor would do with the first 30 pages of your novel, those 30 pages agents and publishers want to look at before they request a full manuscript? Now’s your chance.

The Editor’s Blog is giving away one free 30-page fiction edit.

The prize is an edit of the first 30 consecutive pages of a novel or novella.

Enter the drawing by adding a comment to this article, as explained below. That’s all there is to it.

Entries will be accepted from the moment this article is made public until Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 10 pm EDT. The winner will be announced, in this article, on Monday, July 4, 2011.

Read on for the rules and limitations and requirements—

In celebration of the milestone of the 100th blog article on writing and editing at The Editor’s Blog, I’m offering a free edit of the first 30 pages of one unpublished fiction manuscript via a drawing.

How does the drawing work? Each comment on this article, which is the entry form, will serve as an entry for the drawing, and each entry will be numbered in order from one to whatever. The winning entry will be chosen by a random drawing of a number out of all possible choices at Simple and easy. The winner will be contacted via e-mail and his or her name and manuscript title will be posted on the article.

So . . . if you’d like a chance to win a free edit of the first 30 pages of your fiction manuscript, just enter.

Tell your friends and writing buddies.


How to enter the drawing for your chance to win—

  1. Comment on this article (Win a 30-page Edit—Article #100. In your comment, include your manuscript’s working title, your name or pseudonym, and genre. Be sure that the e-mail address associated with your comment is a valid one, since that’s how I’ll contact the winner. (You do not need to make your e-mail address public.)
  2. Enter a manuscript only one time, but enter as many different manuscripts, as separate comments, as you like.
  3. Enter by Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 10pm EDT.

What you win—

  1. A first-thirty edit, an edit of the first 30 pages of your fiction manuscript. (See A Novel Edit for details about the first-thirty edit.)

What you guarantee—

  1. The manuscript identified in your entry has been written by you.
  2. The manuscript is unpublished.
  3. The first thirty pages are written and complete at the time you enter the contest.
  4. Your entry is written in English.

Limitations and format—

  1. The 30-page edit is specifically reserved for the first 30 consecutive pages of a fiction manuscript.
  2. Manuscript pages should be formatted in accordance with typical manuscript format—double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on four sides.
  3. Maximum word count for the free edit is 7500 words.
  4. The contest and free 30-page edit are solely intended as a celebration of the 100-article milestone at The Editor’s Blog. No promises or guarantees are made about the marketability of your manuscript simply because the first 30 pages have been edited.
  5. I reserve the right to decline to edit the winning entry and to choose an alternate winner if the winning entry is deliberately uneditable, does not meet the conditions of the contest, or is not a true candidate for editing for any reason.
  6. I reserve the right to cancel the drawing if there is insufficient interest and I reserve the right to close the drawing early if an unexpected volume of responses overwhelms the blog. (I expect neither of these outcomes, but just in case . . .)


When you enter the drawing, you are not subscribing to The Editor’s Blog nor are you signing up for a newsletter or any other service. This is truly a giveaway, no strings attached, to thank my readers for coming to the blog.


Submit your entries now.

If you have questions or comments rather than an entry for the drawing, visit this contest preview article, where you can ask your questions in the comment section.

Good luck and good writing!


Glad to have y’all. Just a reminder that you don’t need to publicly post your e-mail address. When you add a comment, you include an e-mail address that I can see on the back end.



Tags:     Posted in: A Writer's Life

35 Responses to “Win a 30-page Edit—Article #100 at The Editor’s Blog”

  1. Caroline says:

    Sounds like a good contest. I’ll give it a shot.

  2. Hi, Beth. Thanks for giving out this chance. I’m Keshia Deisra from Indonesia. I have already published 3 novels and just written an urban fantasy unpublished novel manuscript entitled Spectrum. I want to try my luck in this giveaway. Wish me luck!

  3. domynoe says:

    Title: Assassin’s Choice, epic fantasy
    Denyse Loeb

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Katie W says:

    What a great contest! I am an unpublished writer of a YA paranormal manuscript which is currently titled Temptation.

    My name is Katie Walthall

    Email is katiewalthall AT ymail DOT com

    Thank you so much for the opportunity!
    Katie 🙂

  5. Count me in, Beth. I’ve got a backlog of manuscripts that could use a second set of eyes.

    Thanks for sponsoring a contest!

  6. Terri Osburn says:

    What a generous gift. Thanks for the opportunity.

    My Single Title Contemporary MS is called Playing For Keeps, and I am and w/a Terri Osburn. Thanks again and good luck everyone!

    PS: Bookmarking this blog!

  7. Great contest, Beth!!

    My name is Melinda Collins and I’m an unpublished writer of a paranormal romance/urban fantasy manuscript currently titled ‘Foreseen’.

    Email is msexton76 AT hotmail DOT com

    Thanks, Beth! 🙂

  8. ~Sia McKye~ says:

    I’ve got a few you can look at too, Beth, Like The Rogue. What a wonderful way to celebrate!

    Sia McKye’s Thoughts…OVER COFFEE

  9. This sounds great. I am D. Alan Lewis. My first novel (a fantasy murder mystery named ‘The Blood in Snowflake garden’)is being released later this year and I’m currently working on a Steampunk/Fantasy novel named ‘The Lightning Bolts of Zeus’

  10. Thank you for this!

    My name is Sarah Pearson. My MS ‘Ordinary Joe’, is a YA Urban Fantasy.

  11. And in accordance with the regulations, here’s my second 🙂

    Sarah Pearson, MS ‘Procreation Denied’ SciFi.

    (I know, terrible title, but it had to be called something for now!)

  12. John Philipp says:

    Hi Beth, my novel is aching for an edit and I have just recently discovered that I am scared of commas, so I can’t edit it myself.

    Title: Perfect Parts, literary fiction

  13. John Philipp says:

    This novel too.

    Title: Lizzie’s Run, literary fiction

  14. I am writing multi generational novel about three women in what I call an “interrupted” family. Lisa, was five when her mother died and her dad disappeared. Life in a Catholic orphanage was rough on this sensitive girl whose dad was Jewish. These are anti-Semitic times.

    Later, the novel will follow her daughters Penny, the dreamer who people peg as crazy; and Star, the teenage queen whose hatred for her mother and sister will have unexpected consequences.

  15. Count me in! A few times since I have a few completed novels :).
    Here’s the first:
    The Essence of Chaos
    Marie Andreas
    Epic Fantasy

  16. You DID say we could enter more than once – right? Here’s book two (yes, they are all complete ;))

    The Glass Gargoyle of the Last Elven King
    Marie Andreas
    Light fantasy

  17. Marie, I did say you could enter more than one. As many as you have, as long as they meet the conditions laid out here.

    Everyone, please remember to include your working title and genre, so I know your entry is an entry and not merely a comment.

    (I’ll delete any of my comments before the drawing, so mine don’t get counted as entries.)

  18. Karen says:

    Thank Beth! This is what we’ve been waiting for! See you on the 4th.

    Title: “His Gift”

    Genre: Gentle Fiction

  19. Karen says:

    I don’t want to forget ms number two!

    Title: “Life and Death”

    Genre: Gentle Fiction

  20. Wanda says:

    Beth, I love your blog! The articles are so timely and helpful to me…and to eveyrone else I’m sure. And what a great celebration idea, to have a contest with a terrific prize.

    So put my name in please.

    Working title: Ernie’s Story

    Genre: Mystery.

    Hope I win! Not that I’m wishing losing for everyone else but I wanna win!

  21. Jill Lynn says:

    Congrats, Beth, on your 100th post. I would welcome an edit by you.

  22. Title: Episodes – A Life In Fast Forward

    Genre: Memoir (biographical novel)

  23. Hi Beth. I’m not quite at the point of having an MS for you to edit, but do want to offer my congratulations on your 100th post.

  24. Excellent! Well then I would be remiss if I ignored mss #three 🙂 And congrats on hitting post 100 btw 🙂

    A Curious Invasion
    Marie Andreas
    Steampunk 🙂

  25. Yeah…well…I actually have four fully completed and in various stages of editing (and needing of said edits)-
    So here’s number four 🙂 Thanks again for this chance and a great blog!
    Warrior Wench (yeah it’s cheesy- but fits the book ;))
    Marie Andreas

  26. What a great opportunity!
    My working title is “Fate Fixed” and it is a Young Adult supernatural suspense novel. I just completed it and have been trying to edit, but am in need of a keen eye!
    Bonnie Wheeler

  27. But Beth, I have eleventy million manuscripts. I have to pick? I don’t want to enter eleventy million times, so I’ll just enter one.

    “Twice Upon A Time”
    Time Travel Novella

  28. Awesome! Thanks for doing this 🙂

    I write under the name of Lucy V Morgan. The WiP title is BLOOD FIZZ POP and it’s a snarky, sexy urban fantasy set in England.

  29. Awesome contest… Thanks!

    Moonlight – A Shifter-Witch Novel
    Karen V. Tavares
    Paranormal Romance

  30. Nancy says:

    Hi Beth. I am so excited by this opportunity. I love this idea to help edit an unpublished manuscript. This give beginners a chance to see how that can work on their own manuscript.

    I have one named Irredeemable Angel, I write under Nancy G. and this is a paranormal romance story.

    My fingers are crossed to win this. BTW thanks to Olivia Cunning for letting me know on Twitter.

  31. Nancy says:

    Hi Beth. Me Again. I have so many manuscript that could benefit from this 30 pages edit I don’t know where to start.

    I have one named Find me for Love, written under Nancy G. and this is a paranormal romance story too.

    My fingers are crossed to win this for either of my MS. BTW thanks to Olivia Cunning for letting me know on Twitter.

  32. Good luck to all and thanks for entering. No more entries will be accepted after this time.

  33. Congratulations to Marie Andreas and Warrior Wench!

    Marie has won the first-30 edit for her SF entry, Warrior Wench.

    A sincere thank you to all who entered.

  34. Thank you so much Beth! Great blog, great contest :). And I won! LOL- what a wonderful way to start the week. THANKS!

  35. Congratulations Marie, and thanks again Beth for the competition 🙂

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