September 8, 2016 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified September 8, 2016
The beginning of a new school year always brings new students, teachers, and other education professionals to the Editor’s Blog. You are welcome here. I hope you find what you need to complete your assignments.
I also hope that you’ll stay around and investigate, discover what the blog has to offer.
Popular articles helpful for writing or language studies include:
Punctuating Dialogue
What is Theme
Choosing Between Italics and Quotation Marks
Hedge Words
Keeping Adjectives in Line
A series on point of view
Deep POV and Narrative Distance
When do Clauses Need Commas
Copyright and fair use
Adverbs and the Comma
Smiling or Laughing Dialogue
Tone, Mood, and Style
Write Scenes Rather Than Reports
A series on how to approach writing advice
There are over 300 articles at the Editor’s Blog. Many focus on craft, grammar, or punctuation. Search the complete list using the link to full archives in the left sidebar, or search by word or phrase in the search box (top of the right sidebar) or by topic tags (lower right sidebar).
The comment section in many of the articles provides even more great information as writers and editors work through writing issues.

For those looking for a comprehensive resource for writing and/or editing fiction, consider The Magic of Fiction.

Tags: basics, writing advice Posted in: Beginning Writers
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Once again your sharing of knowledge and understanding proves your generosity and dedication to the craft of writing.
Frank, it’s nice to see you. I hope you’ve been well.
I love knowing that students and teachers visit the site. Too bad we didn’t have the Internet around when we were young, at least for research purposes.
I’ve been feeling better than in years, thank you. (I’ve been down and out, beginning with dying at age 56–I’m now 72–and being brought back for more of the silliness of this world.
You are so right about the Internet! What a wonderful thing. I only wish I could access the literary essays indexed in what used to be called the SOCIAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIES INDEX. Seems ya gotta be affiliated with a college