Wednesday March 26

Copyright, Print, Citation

on November 22nd, 2010 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill

All articles, blog posts, and text content at The Editor’s Blog are copyrighted by me [or by guest bloggers]. Keep copyright information with printed pages. Copyright information for my articles includes my name, article name, published or posted date, and reference or link to The Editor’s Blog.

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If you reference information from The Editor’s Blog, use the following basic format:

Author name. “Article Title”. Web site name [underlined]. Published date. Access date [the date you read the article online or printed it]. Full URL [web address] of the article, including web site and article information.

Example citation for this article [as if accessed seven days after I wrote it]:

Hill, E. A. “Copyright, Print, Citation”.  The Editor’s Blog. November 22, 2010.  November 29, 2010.


The opinions expressed in posts at The Editor’s Blog under my name are solely my own and don’t reflect opinions of my employers, my co-workers, or volunteer associations I belong to. (They may also not be the shared opinions of friends and family members.)

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Commentors’ opinions are solely their own and I cannot be held responsible for what they say or fail to say.

I am an Amazon Associate. If you link to Amazon via one of the books listed in my sidebar and purchase that book, I will be paid a fee.

E. A. Hill
The Editor’s Blog

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