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Need a NaNo Write-In?

November 28, 2017 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified November 28, 2017

I’m still pulling for all you NaNoers. If you need a push to get over the goal line, why not join me Wednesday, November 29, at 10 p.m. (Eastern time) and we’ll do some timed sessions and increase your word count.

Not participating in NaNo but you’re in the process of writing something? You’re welcome to join us. Simply want to practice writing without pause, without your inner editor frowning at you and making you make changes immediately? You are welcome too.

Day: Wednesday (Nov. 29)

Time: 10 p.m. Eastern

Place: the comment section of this article

Come ready to write and play.

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One Response to “Need a NaNo Write-In?”

  1. Let me know when you’re here. I want to start the first sprint at 10:10 or 10:15.

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