Thursday March 27
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Thank You—Launch Week Roundup

March 19, 2016 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill
last modified March 21, 2016

Thank you all for making the Launch Week of front-cover-image-only-2
The Magic of Fiction so enjoyable. Thank you for participating in the events and sharing not only snippets of your writing, but your suggestions and encouragement for other writers as well.



The winner of the first-thirty edit was Gabbi Grey.

The winner of the prize pack was Matt Randles.

We had a lot of great first paragraphs and marvelous critiques of those paragraphs; thanks for participating. I’m going to address any issues that remain unaddressed with the first paragraphs and then I’ll keep that article available for a few more days before deleting it—make sure you copy the comments and suggestions you want to keep.

The coupon for $10 off The Magic of Fiction (XECB5MBE) is valid at CreateSpace through Sunday (March 20, 2016). There will still be a discount at CreateSpace beginning Monday, just not the $10 one.

Use this coupon code (94MJW7U8) for $6.50 off The Magic of Fiction at CreateSpace.

Thank You

Thanks to the blog’s e-mail subscribers for letting me send so many e-mail articles this past week.

Thank you to those who bought the book—print, PDF, or both. I hope it’s truly helpful. I also hope, whether you bought the paperback or the PDF, that you’ll consider leaving a review at Amazon.

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Tags:     Posted in: Announcements, Launch Week

3 Responses to “Thank You—Launch Week Roundup”

  1. Kat says:

    It was a great week and fun to be involved, too. I look forward to receiving my copy of TMoF.

  2. Matt Randles says:

    Beth, thanks for hosting a great launch week. I hope it was everything you’d hoped for. And thanks for the books in the Prize Pack! Already enjoying TMoF and looking forward to getting Grammatically Correct, New Hart’s Rules, Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage.
    (I recently submitted a short story that got rejected–not the first time, probably won’t be the last–so it was great to win some books!)

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